Phoenix Park District
Park Rules
Phoenix Park Rules
1. Park closes at sunset except for schedule activities approved by the
2. No alcohol, drugs, weapons, profanity, or gang activity.
3. No obscene or profane music or language.
4. No unauthorized parking on basketball courts.
5. Driving unauthorized motorized vehicle through park is strictly prohibited.
6. No glass or littering allowed. Please help keep our parks clean. Garbage cans have been placed all through the parks, courtesy of the Village of Phoenix.
7. Please report any broken park equipment or basketball rim nets to the park district 708.339.8443
8. Damage to the park property is a serious offense. All city, state, and federal laws will be enforced and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
9. Failure to obey park rules could result in suspension from park property, rental privileges and programs.
Help us to help you maintain a safe, clean and beautiful environment.
Your Phoenix Park District Commissioners
“We’re Proud to Serve Our Village”
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